You can enrol online. Simply click one of the many green ‘Get Started’ buttons and select Option 2. You will be directed to our parent portal and prompted to create an account. From there, you will be able to register for classes. If you need any help with enrolling, please email [email protected].
No, you can remove re-enrolling from your to do list! Dance Northside rolls enrolments over from one term to the next (except between Term 4 and Term 1). All you need to do to secure your spot is make a payment towards your tuition fees for the relevant term. You can opt out at any time — just use our enrolment cancellation request form.
Payments can be made online via the parent portal. Simply click the ‘Login’ button at the top of this page or paste directly into your browser. DanceStudio-Pro, our studio software provider, also has a free Parent Portal app available to download from the App Store and Google Play. Payment can also be made via card in the studio.
We don’t have a uniform policy at Dance Northside — uniforms are expensive and quickly outgrown. Just wear clothes that allow free movement (eg. leggings or trackpants and a singlet or t-shirt). If enrolled in Acrodance, for safety please wear close-fitting clothing, tie long hair up, and remove all jewellery.
We do have a range of Dance Northside t-shirts, singlets, and hoodies available to purchase at the studio.
Ballet – ballet slippers*
Jazz – black jazz shoes*
Hip Hop, JFH and Zumba – sneakers
Contemporary, Minis Dance FUNdamentals and Acrodance – bare feet
*We have a stash of pre-loved ballet and jazz shoes at the studio. Students are welcome to borrow these at no cost.
Just a bottle of water!
Yes! And additional free parking is available at the shops across the road. Please be careful in our car park as there are lots of little people about.
For safety, students aged 12 and under must be collected from inside the studio — they will not be allowed to leave the building or cross the road without an adult.
Yes, we maintain an open door policy at Dance Northside, meaning grown ups are welcome to stay and watch their child participate in class. However, we require you watch from one of the following viewing areas:
– In the the foyer or kitchen if your child is dancing in the front studio;
– In the kitchen, or one of the chairs set up in front of the kitchen (please prioritise these chairs for elderly/pregnant people).
In addition, please switch your mobile phone to silent, refrain from answering calls during the lesson, and keep any other children with you as quiet and occupied as possible. This policy is in place to ensure you are never denied access to your child, whilst maintaining a focused learning environment for both children and teachers.
Put very simply, we won’t encourage or teach your child to look, dress, or dance like an adult. We extend this approach to our performance season: makeup is minimal if used at all, costumes meet an appropriate level of dress for children, and our choreography is created to match the age of the students performing it.
Many dance schools compete in eisteddfods: dance competitions where dancers are judged on their performance, costumes, hair, makeup, etc. Dance Northside recognises that competition has value in particular contexts – we just don’t believe it has a place in the arts. Therefore, we do not compete in eisteddfods. Instead, the Dance Northside Performance Team showcases routines at community events around Canberra, such as Floriade and school fetes. It challenges and provides performance opportunities for our advanced dancers, while focusing on personal growth and staying true to our values of kindness, respect, community.
Included in the Dance Northside terms and conditions is a photographic consent section. There is absolutely no obligation to grant Dance Northside permission to use photographs of your child for promotional purposes (eg. on the Dance Northside website, Instagram and Facebook page). You are welcome to take a photo of your child in their dancing outfit before or after class, but sadly, we can’t allow you to take photos of your child during class out of consideration for the privacy of other students.
Classes do NOT run on public holidays, EXCEPT during Term 2 when we are preparing for our mid-year concert. Students who miss a lesson due to a public holiday can attend a make-up lesson by dropping in to another age-appropriate class in their age group; please email us in advance to arrange.
You are welcome to attend a make-up lesson at any point during the term by coming along to another age-appropriate class. All we ask is that you let us know by email in advance so the relevant teacher can be prepared to welcome you.
Yes, we have a lost property box at the studio. If you have misplaced something, let one of our staff know so they can check whether it’s been found and handed in. Please note that any unclaimed items are donated to charity at the end of each term.
– Showcase is held at Canberra Theatre at the end of Term 2, and our Minis end-of-year concert is held on the stage in house at the end of Term 4.
– Participating Showcase students will be expected to attend a rehearsal on the day.
– You won’t be required to sew costumes.
– You won’t be required to pay an exorbitant amount for costumes, but there is a small performance/costume fee.
– You will be asked to provide some basic undergarments (eg. black leggings or a white singlet).
– All aspects of our performance are age appropriate.
– Makeup is optional, and hairstyles are simple.
– You won’t be forced to sit through an epic hours-long show; the run time of our concerts is approximately 2 hours (inclusive on interval).
– You do have to purchase tickets to attend the mid-year showcase and the Minis end-of-year concert (ticket sales cover theatre hire, wages, insurance, licensing and many other expenses).
– The concert is designed to be a stress free, fun, positive experience for performers and parents.
Yes. Students not wanting to participate in the concert can learn the routine with their class and just not be given a spot in the formation. But know that our concerts are very low pressure, and students find them an enjoyable and confidence-building experience — we encourage everyone to participate!
Please see our COVID-19 Policy and Safety Plan.
Kaleen Community Hall
Georgina Crescent Kaleen ACT 2617
Dance Northside acknowledges the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples, traditional custodians of the land on which our studio is located. We pay respect to their Elders past, present, and emerging. Music and movement have long been performed in this place by First Nations Australians; Dance Northside recognises this and appreciates the richness it adds to our community. We are glad to be dancing here today, on what always was and always will be Ngunnawal and Ngambri land.
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